Supporting our “Natural Health Service”

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Sedentary lifestyles, isolation and mental health issues are a growing problem in the modern world, especially for young people. Access to nature and green space has never been more vital in helping to address these major public health issues. Particularly when it has context and meaning, experiencing the outdoors can significantly boost health and well-being: an increasing body of evidence suggests that spending time in nature is good medicine for the mind, body and soul, even if for relatively short periods.

Similar to the NHS, our “natural health service” is largely free at the point of use but needs continued investment if it is to sustain its benefits for society.  It is also important in reducing pressure on the NHS and social services at a time of national crisis. To help kickstart a green recovery from the coronavirus pandemic, environment groups are calling on the Government to create a national nature service in England to fund green infrastructure projects and train workers to create jobs. 

While further research is required, it is clear that the links between access to a healthy environment and people’s well-being will continue to shape public policy in the UK for many years to come.

For information about CBA’s green infrastructure planning, design and management services, please contact Dominic Watkins, Director.


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